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5 reasons why crickets are considered a sustainable food source

Crickets are becoming an increasingly popular alternative protein source due to their sustainability and nutritional benefits. Here are five reasons w...Read More

The Social and Cultural Implications of Alternative Protein Consumption

As alternative protein sources, such as insect-based and cultured meat, become more mainstream, there are important social and cultural implications t...Read More

Eating crickets to combat deforestation: Reducing the demand for land used for livestock grazing.

Deforestation is a significant environmental issue, and one of the leading causes is the demand for land used for livestock grazing. Choosing crickets...Read More


(Vineland-NJ)—Andrew Jubelt, CEO of Live Well Senior Cottages, a New Jersey senior housing development firm, released the following statement today ...Read More

expEDIum Introduces Office EHR and InstaPay, along with Strategic Rebranding

Expanding its healthcare technology offerings, iTech announces expEDIum Office EHR, a robust Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution, alongside the...Read More