RISEQ Press Release | Press release Power

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22 May, 2020
risQ Inc., a start-up delivering best-in-class climate risk analytics, and ICE Data Services, which is part of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. ...Read More

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5 reasons why crickets are considered a sustainable food source

Crickets are becoming an increasingly popular alternative protein source due to their sustainability and nutritional benefits. Here are five reasons w...Read More

An Overview of the Considerations For Insects as Food

Americans have traditionally relied on dairy products and livestock as their primary source of protein. Current dietary trends in America have shifted...Read More

An Overlooked But Abundant Resource For Food Shortage

Edible insects are a part of many countries' diets. For example, in Ecuador, Orthoptera (cricket) and fried beetles are eaten as snacks. Have you ever...Read More

ArtSmart Announces Its First $1 Million Gift from Philanthropist and Patron of the Arts Maria Manetti Shrem*

Media Contact:Erin Alcornerin@artsmmart.orgPress KitVideoArtSmart’s national teaching artists will be named the Maria Manetti Shrem MentorsArtSmart,...Read More


(Vineland-NJ)—Andrew Jubelt, CEO of Live Well Senior Cottages, a New Jersey senior housing development firm, released the following statement today ...Read More