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TSplus USA Announces Successful Implementation With WYSE Thin Client

Posted 02 Nov-2021 03:49 PM by wagner | 939

Last month, Marc Shapiro, TSplus USA-Canada Regional Director, was delighted to declare the signature of a new contract with the New Horizons Community Mental Health Center, aiming to implement TSplus software with DELL Wyse Thin Clients.

The operation has been a complete success; Marc Shapiro confirmed that TSplus software is highly compatible with any type of Thin Client.

"We noticed the speed of the login and the launching of the applications has increased 200%, great job!"


How Does TSplus Work With Thin Clients?
Thin Clients are cheap hardware that enable control of a remote server directly from a computer. They depend heavily on the server to fulfill their role. Usually, many clients (or user interfaces) share the same connection to the server. The Thin Client has just enough processing power to connect to the network and to get the basic information needed to run.

Remote Desktop Services allow a server to host multiple, simultaneous client sessions. Using TSplus, a user can remotely connect to the server and run a single session, as if it was running on the server itself. The connection is One to One.

TSplus HTML5 client adds an extra way to connect, providing a browser access to Windows applications and a user's desktop from all types of end-user devices. Thus, clients can be computers, smartphones, tablets or Thin Clients.

Thin Clients such as DELL Wyse can remotely connect to TSplus server without installing anything on the device, plug-in or application. Using RDP, Thin Clients get access to their session and benefit from a native RDP connection look-and-feel. It even comes with sound and clipboard support.

It is that easy to reduce your Thin Client's CPU consumption with TSplus HTML5 Remote Desktop.

New Horizons Community Health Center Is a Happy TSplus Customer

New Horizons Community Health Center is a mental health hospital where TSplus now counts 175 users connecting via 150 DELL Wyse Thin Clients. TSplus provides New Horizons with easy remote access to Microsoft Office 365 and Medical Applications.

New Horizons first approached TSplus with the need of moving to a Cloud solution, using its DELL Thin Clients. Because of TSplus' ease of installation and configuration, the cloud-hosted environment was running within 2 hours.

The Full Operation Has Been Totally Seamless

The head of New Horizons' IT Department commented: "We noticed the speed of the login and the launching of the applications has increased 200%, great job!"

DELL Wyse Thin Client Supports TSplus RDP (Wyse Thin OS), TSplus HTML5 (Wyse Embedded OS) With All Features, Including Universal Printer and Load-balancing

Leverage the advanced features of TSplus HTML5 Remote Desktop to quickly and easily turn any Thin Client (embedded OS) into an enhanced RDP Client. Instantly connect to Windows desktops and applications from any browser or any device running Windows, Linux, Mac, Chrome OS.

TSplus supports Intel x86, ARM or any other CPU architecture, and is integrated with SSL VPN.

Save Your CPU Consumption and the Hassles of Downloads and Installation Procedures on Your Thin Client

Download TSplus US Trial now.

TSplus/New Horizons Landing page “ https://desktop02.nhcdesktops.com

New Horizons website “ http://www.newhorizonscmhc.org

About TSplus Software:

TSplus International worked over a decade to build the best Citrix alternative and its team is at the top of its game. TSplus has developed worldwide class solutions to web-enable any Windows application. TSplus offers the most advanced solutions for Cloud Computing, Web Portal and Application Publishing services. Their global solutions range from multinational to SMBs. From HR to Finance or IT, see how quickly you can web enable your Windows apps for collaborating, connecting, and increasing productivity.

For additional information, visit http://terminalserviceplus.com, http://tsplus.co or send an e-mail to marc.shapiro@terminalserviceplus.com who will be pleased to answer you.

By Floriane Mer, Marketing Manager at TSplus
Source: https://www.newswire.com/news/tsplus-usa-announces-successful-implementation-with-wyse-thin-client-19602551


Dell Wyse, HTML5 remote desktop, RDP, rds, remote access, Remote Desktop, remote server, remote session, Thin client, TSplus, TSplus USA-Canada, Windows application Affordable Press Release Network, Affordable Press Release Distribution Site, Free Press Release Website, Free Press Release Distribution Website, Free Press Release Submission

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