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Business Contingency Group Launches App to Help Businesses Across America Manage COVID-19 Risk at the Workplace

Posted 25 May-2020 03:45 PM by shipley | 1252

While businesses and clinics across the U.S. are scrambling to reopen and keep their employees and customers/patients safe, Business Contingency Group (BCG) announces the launch of its new app to help manage the risk at the workplace. The web-based app is called SafetyCount Pandemic and requires only a browser and access to the internet. Employees, visitors, patients, and contractors answer a few critical screening questions before traveling to the worksite or clinic, and the app auto generates a report alerting them if they can or cannot proceed that day.

œSafetyCount Pandemic will help identify and track high-risk employees, visitors, patients, and contractors that temperature checks at the door may miss. The reports are used by the employer so they are informed of the status of persons coming to their facility. It offers an added layer to manage the risk of COVID-19. Employees, visitors, patients, and contractors who are more confident that their workplace or clinic is safe and healthy will be more likely to come into work and keep clinic appointments. said Lee Goldstein, BCG president.

SafetyCount Pandemic provides the users with automated next steps before they go to a worksite or clinic and this helps minimize risk. Employers are able to view and analyze data submitted by employees, visitors, and contractors to understand their COVID-19 status and to help manage operational decisions and plans. Clinicians can prescreen patients before they leave their homes and advise them to contact the clinic for additional instructions if they meet certain risk factors for COVID-19.

œWe are proud to have a part in helping American businesses re-open safely and understand the strain the shutdown has had on resources, so we are waiving all fees for the use of SafetyCount Pandemic for two months.

Mr. Goldstein says the app is live and ready to be implemented into the daily operations of every business no matter the size.

For more information and to sign up visit http://www.safetycountpandemic.com

SafetyCount Pandemic is brought to you by the Business Contingency Group (BCG). For over 18 years, BCG has provided Business Continuity/Continuity of Operations, Disaster Recovery, and Emergency Management planning and consulting services to both the private and public sectors. We also provide technical/software solutions to support our planning and consulting services as well as working internationally on Humanitarian Assistance Programs.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Lee Goldstein, President, Business Contingency Group at (818)800-8665 or leeg@businesscontingencygroup.com.

Source:         https://www.prweb.com/releases/business_contingency_group_launches_app_to_help_businesses_across_america_manage_covid_19_risk_at_the_workplace/prweb17142745.htm


U.S. are scrambling, Business Contingency Group (BCG), public sectors, Business Contingency Group (BCG), helping American businesses, Employees, visitors, COVID-19 status, patients, SafetyCount Pandemic, employees, visitors, patients, contractors, Affordable Press Release Network, Cheap Press Release Distribution Services, Affordable Press Release Website, Free Press Release Service, Free Press Release Distribution Website

Company Information

Company Name Contact Person Contact Number Email Id Website Address
SAFETYCOUNT PANDEMIC 8899775569 shipleyluis1857@gmail.com http://www.safetycountpandemic.com/

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