• Home News Bunny Studio Reports Impact of 4-Day Workweek - a Pragmatic Insight for Today's Businesses

Bunny Studio Reports Impact of 4-Day Workweek - a Pragmatic Insight for Today's Businesses

Posted 30 Oct-2021 10:30 AM by Steve | 787

Two years in, the disruption of COVID-19 is still wreaking reverberating effects. While the environment enjoyed the greener pastures of reduced commutes, companies worldwide are still wavering about business-as-usual operations. Human resources are precious in these tumultuous times and must churn good returns of investments. Unexpectedly, Fast Company and Business Insider are reporting that more businesses are adopting a four-day workweek.

Bunny Studio is one such organization. In 2021, the creative service provider reported four out of five scores on employee productivity and work quality satisfaction. Maika Hoekman is the Head of People Operations at Bunny Studio.

"We name our Fridays 'Push, play, learn' to provide employees the flexibility to work, unwind, or pick up a class. Even with the shorter workweek, we've seen no negative impact on revenue over the last two years," comments Hoekman.

Albeit appealing, the perk of reduced working hours does not come without a price. The recent global switch to remote workplaces has left many managers with unsettling trust issues. Influenced by the nuances of geographical work culture, some regions find it more difficult to conform to the new norm. Singapore-based Bunny Studio employee Rachel Weiss empathizes with Asia's struggle to adapt to work-from-home arrangements.

"Singapore is ranked the second-most overworked city. Corporate hierarchy is big in APAC compared to the west. That means getting superior approval for most decisions. The pandemic has changed that, but not without reticence. Ergo, running at full speed with a four-day week can be challenging," she added. 

Above workplaces that micromanage, a short week can also be difficult for businesses that provide front-line services. The retail sector operates at an average of 12 hours a day, and arranging shifts can be time-consuming, although not impossible. For instance, Bunny Studio operates its global platform with 24/7 support.

"Our team spans over 20 countries and five continents. It's a simple matter of scheduling and effective communication. We discovered that providing flexibility is more valuable than gourmet lunches. We even had employees declining higher-paying jobs because of our four-day week," said Hoekman.

Bunny Studio has grown in manpower and revenue over the last two years. A fully remote company before the pandemic, it continues to support the gig economy and businesses through accessible creative services.

About Bunny Studio

Bunny Studio is the world's only project fulfillment platform that provides over 50 end-to-end creative services. Powered by technology and run by humans, it works with the top 4% of global professionals to deliver voiceovers, writing, video, design services, and more, in over 100 languages. 

Press contact

Rachel Weiss
Branding Senior Marketer
Source: https://www.newswire.com/news/bunny-studio-reports-impact-of-4-day-workweek-a-pragmatic-insight-for-21538370


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