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10 Ways to Promote Your B2B Press Release in Social Media

Posted 10 Jun-2020 02:35 PM by Steve | 623

Everyone loves a bargain. And when it comes to promoting your B2B press release, leveraging social media is perhaps the best and most economical way. press release submission A strong social media release strategy will help you to build relationships with customers and create brand recognition.

One of our favorite marketing tools is the press release.  Yes, you read that correctly! Others may balk and even claim that press releases have passed their expiration date. But used in the right way, press releases can strengthen your overall PR strategy and help you reach your goals.

Press releases provide an ever expanding web of links back to your site, survive online for years, and generate high-quality leads. To that end, social media for B2B has become a valuable resource to promote your release, and get the most out of it. 

Fortunately, we've got you covered with our all-inclusive guide to promoting press releases using social media for B2B. Read on to get the goods.

Used in the right way, press releases can strengthen your overall PR strategy Tweet: Used in the right way, press releases can strengthen your overall PR strategy
5 Secrets to Creating a B2B Social Media Strategy to Promote Your B2B Press Release
You've launched your release to the public. Now what? Well, don't expect the phones to start ringing just yet. You've got more work to do. webinfomatrix Let's look at how you can create your own press release social media strategy, and attract more attention to your news release.

1. Include a Click to Tweet Button
Get your free Click to Tweet Button here. This is a button that you'll want to include in your B2B press release that allows readers to easily tweet your press release's message to their followers. You've probably seen one before, but perhaps never knew how easy it is to create your own. Check out our click to tweet button:

To do this, we created a free image in Canva, then shortened a link to our post using Bitly, and simply added the link to our click to tweet image. 

2. Release a Preview on Twitter
Provide a brief description on Twitter of your press release. Make sure to include a link directly to your release. Many companies use the hashtag #pressrelease, while others use the word BREAKING in bold letters to introduce their news. 

3. Use Social Media Language in Your Release
The modern press release strategy is veering toward social more than ever before. Embrace this change and create your press release to fit into the social media for B2B scene

As part of your press release social media strategy, don't be afraid to use hashtags and Twitter handles when you promote it on social media. perfectmarketingsolution This facilitates social sharing and expands your audience.

4. Leverage Images

Images are a vital component of B2B social media best practices -- but that doesn't mean it has to be complicated. It doesn't take a degree in graphic design to create compelling images that support your social media release.

It's so easy to create professional graphics for social media, that there's just no reason not to. Again, we favor  for this task. Check out the difference a quality image makes even with what might seem to be a ho-hum news item, such as this from concrete giant, hireseoconsultant Notice that the company did use the #pressrelease hashtag. However, the engagement on this post is next to nothing. On the other hand, check out what a nice clean image does for boosting engagement:

Impressive, isn't it? 38 Retweets and 28 likes isn't bad for a concrete company! A stock photo combined with brief, eye-catching text will do wonders for the visibility of your tweet. 

Exercise caution in this area, though. Not just any image will do, as the following example demonstrates:

Besides the creepy floating heads, the text is too blurry to read, and doesn't give you an understanding of what the press release is all about. 

It's so easy to create professional graphics for social media, that there's just no reason not to Tweet: It's so easy to create professional graphics for social media, that there's just no reason 

5. Make Your Release Social Media Ready
There are several ways that you can enhance your press release for social media. press release business Make it easy for your readers to share it with their audiences by including social sharing buttons right in your press release.

Also make sure your release is optimized for all your social networks. As we mentioned above, this means including short, tweetable sentences for Twitter audiences. Create charts and infographics that people can post to social media.

All of your images should be sized appropriately for each social network. Twitter, Facebook, and others all have their own image size requirements. If your images aren't sized appropriately, the social networks could cut off key elements of your visuals. So pay attention to the sizes you choose.


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