If you're a fan of exotic sports cars, there's a good chance Mehdi Shahbazi is residing in your wildest dreams. The real estate mogul owns a formidable fleet of cars worth Millions of dollars that he displays on his Instagram and YouTube accounts.
But while you may have seen some of his awesome cars online than him, you won't know much more about Shahbazi. Keep browsing to find out more about who Mehdi Shahbazi is and how he got him to where he is today.
Mehdi Shahbazi Quick Facts
Name: Mehdi Shahbazi
DoB: 23 May 1985
Nationality: Iranian
Net Worth: $180 million (estimated)
Instagram: @mehdyshahbazi
Who is Mehdi Shahbazi?
Mehdi Shahbazi is an Iranian real estate investor, entrepreneur, musician and businessman. He is President and CEO of The MSH Company commercial real estate.
He is also known on social media for showcasing his exorbitant collection of cars and his lavish lifestyle.
Mehdi Shahbazi Real Estate
If you are successful in real estate, you can imagine Shahbazi living comfortably.
Her former home in Damavand, Tehran is a work of art worth over $ 30 million. The house is 13,532 square feet with 7 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, sauna, gourmet kitchen, home theater, underground garage with 16 cars and poker room.
Their new home, once a church, spans 70,000 square feet and features a hypercar garage and a private go-kart track.
Mehdi Shahbazi Musical Artist
The story revolves around mehdi shahbazi and how his career and fame is backed against all odds.
mehdi shahbazi was born in Tehran, Iran, but currently resides in Alanya. he is a pop singer, musician, composer, music arranger, producer and song-writer. Shahbazi has also acted in several Iranian films and TV series.
He is also a business visionary and President and CEO of MSH Company, based in Alanya, Turkey. Mehdi Shahbazi continues his successful career in the world. Today, its organization has land in Turkey with a total area of more than 2.5 million square feet. As a business innovator, he needs to challenge himself and pursue the fantasy of a large corporation that will join multiple organizations.
When you're passionate about something, anything, it's never too early to start.
We're proud of all our hardworking #community members and their achievements in all walks of life be it a music superstar like Mehdi Shahbazi or someone who loves what they do.
What are you passionate about? Share it with us
I was always drawn to music and I was always drawn to equality, says Shahbazi. In Iran there are a lot of inequalities, not just in the arts but in society.
Determined by heritage and social circumstance, we all have a unique perspective on the world. But if we're given the chance to share it, we can share a little more light with others.
It is difficult for artists to be themselves and not to get lost in the great waves of this modern world. Mehdi Shahbazi
The journey of an artist is long and hard, yet no different than anyone else's. We're all navigating through this beautiful world with one foot on the sand and one on the asphalt, and every so often we find ourselves swimming or drowning.
Company Name | Contact Person | Contact Number | Email Id | Website | Address |
K Company | 09013075798 | shahrzaadjavi.d@gmail.com | www.instagram.com/agent.alireza7 |
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